Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Play Dates

Last Tuesday, my friend Lori and her granddaughter Koty, Leeah and I, went
to the local McDonald's (not my favorite food) to let the girls play on the 
gym they have there. It's a pretty big one and they had a ball. 
It gave Lori and I time to catch up. It's been awhile.

Leeah sipping her drink

We were doing some drawing with the kids and I did a few of them.

Leeah and Koty playing

Leeah and Koty
on the gym ----

Leeah and Koty
     goofing off ----



Koty's Birthday

All the kids at the birthday got a goody bag with funny things in it.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Energy abounds.....Hump Day Haiku

This is my great granddaughter drawing at Cedars
while waiting for our meal.

Living with a 4 year old again is an amazing experience....
Let me tell you........

Energy abounds
Self assured, bright, determined
Can barely keep up!

I'm linking this to Helen's

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Leeah at School/Field trips and Projects

These are pictures from the field trip to the Hovander Homestead Park. It is a beautiful old
Homestead that they have turned into a public park. The home itself is open for the public
to walk through and the gardens and farm animals are a favorite for the kids.
This is Leeah's first school bus trip and her first field trip. Grama volunteered to help.



Leeah and GramaLynn with School Project

Leeah is in preschool and we have a lot of parent meetings 
during the year. While we wait for them to start there are 
projects for us to do together. Leeah and I decorated this
frame and teacher Rebecca took pictures while we worked.

Leeah is really enjoying her first year in school. She is so 
excited about going every morning. I'm hoping we can all
help her to stay excited. She loves to read and art is a big
deal in her day.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Leeah's 4th Birthday

Leeah celebrated her 4th Birthday on October 26, 2012 with

Grama Lynn, Nana Tara, Auntie Jade..