Friday, March 2, 2012

Playing in my paints

This is a photo image of my new business card. 
I had fun taking all kinds of shots. This palette is about 47 years old.
 Got it when I got out of high school and started college. One of my special treasures.
 When I was young my Dad and Mom would get me art supplies for my birthday or Christmas.
 I didn't want anything else. I have some very old tools and some very new tools and love them all.
 I have some calligraphy pen holders that were my grand uncle's who was a commercial artist in San Francisco at the turn of the twentieth century. That's an extreme treasure. 
I had all my dad's architectural drawing tools until my son started showing an interest. 
He has inherited them. He is a very good artist but has a life in between he and his talent. 
One day I hope he will be able to enjoy it.

Paint gives me power
Over an endless blank page
And sets my brush free!


  1. Oh my, a well used palette used to create your lovely paintings. Your haiku is perfect. I love hearing about your treasures, Lynn.

  2. Thanks Helen, For some reason I feel a creative streak brewing and bubbling inside. I'm gonna go with it.
    It feels like the right direction. :O) I really would love to have you and Cheryl over for some creative time and food. Let's talk. :O)


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