Wednesday, October 17, 2012

"I spy with my little eye"

"A mermaid in the sky"

This is the most recent Art Journal page I created.
The theme was "I spy with my little eye" Not necessarily something
in the sky, but, that's what I chose. It turned out to be a mermaid. When 
I look into the clouds it is usually a face. For some reason, I see faces in everything.

This is the page of clouds I painted the night before 
I started drawing.

I just pondered for awhile and just started drawing. I didn't have anything
definite in mind. In fact my first thought was an older man with a long grey
beard, but what a surprise!

I spy with my little eye
A small mermaid in the sky
Swimming along unaware

I am linking this post to

Friday, October 12, 2012


Artists are here to
                                Disturb the Peace!

I was waiting for the next art journal challenge and it hasn't come yet. 

Princess Leeah and the Big Pink Castle


Jade and I are going to write a book for Leeah. It will be about her favorite things; fairies and castles. And it will be about her favorite colors Pink and Purple and Blue.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Art Journal pages 20 thru 29

The next two Art Journal pages are done by dipping string or twine in thick paint and dropping 
it on a white sheet and letting it just fall where it will. I filled in the outer edges with light blue
watercolour and the inside areas with dark blue. I blended some areas and enhanced some
of the lines with black ink. I then filled the spaces with thoughts and quotes and poetry.

The next five pages are about travel. Our prompt was to think about a place, real,
imagined or a place that we've always wanted to travel to. We then were asked to
design a journal page that depicted that place. I decided to create a number of
pages about a place I always dreamed about and was interested in all of my life. Sailing
the seas in tall ships during the 16th, 17 and 18th centuries. I've done drawings about it
over the years and even thought that maybe I might have lived in that time in history.
Who knows?
These journal pages tell of a Captain Johathan Chapman and a trip he took on his ship into
the South Seas, Jakarta and Polynesia. He writes a letter to his wife about the trip. One page
shows the journal in it's proper folder on the ship in his desk. Another page is the inside of the
log book showing a couple of entries the Capt. made during the voyage. Another page is the explanation of why I wrote about this subject. The last page is a watercolour of the Capt.
standing on deck looking out to sea with the letter to his wife Abby
super imposed over the watercolour.

This page is also about travel. But this time it is a family reunion and graduation trip 
for Chris (my nephew). It depicts several of the places we traveled. Eugene, Oregon for the
 graduation and spending time with family; over to the Pacific coast to Florence, Coos Bay,
New Port, Canon Beach, Seaside and Astoria and up Highway 101
 into Washington and over to I-5 and home.

The next two journal pages are about the circus.

I am not generally a rabid circus goer, but I have been to the circus four or five times 
when I was young. Enough times to know what it was all about. These pages are the
knowledge I gleaned from sitting under the "Big Top" when I was a young girl.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Precious Girl Angel

Precious girl angel
Were you the beauty I dreamed
or my heart rhythm

I am linking this post to Helen's Hump Day Haiku

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Art Journal Pages 6 through 19

These are 9 more pages in my 2012 Art Journal. It's really been fun.
And I've done so much that I've never done before.

This group of art pieces is part of a year long art project I started on March 4th this year.
Every 2 weeks the project and the instructor change. The site is Art Journaling-It's all good. 
There are nearly 5ooo artists from all over the world that participate every day in one of the 
many workshops they offer. Some workshops have a donation fee and some are free. And 
all of them are worth while for any artist new to Art Journaling. I've been an artist in many 
different mediums and I had never tried Art Journaling. I decided that I needed to move 
out of my comfort zone and push myself. I also wanted to push myself to "make art". So, 
many pages later, here are some of the results.
I used a base coat of white gesso, then watercolor and blended it to create a surface 
I could write on. I had sketched the laundry before I started painting. I just picked up the 
bag over my head and turned it over. This is how they fell. I used watercolor and Prisma color pencils and India ink. I painted the lettering with a small brush and white opaque gouche.
The bottom piece is watercolor.
The prompts for these 2 pieces of art: Write about something mundane 
in your life and keep writing until it becomes pleasant or worthy. I chose washday.
The color challenge is deep brick red, indigo blue and sap green. 

I have also been writing haiku for several months now. Here is one for washday.

 It's wash day again
skirts, shirts, pants, towels and skivvies,
coffee sounds good now.

Prompt: Observe "Writing on the Wall". Graphiti is everywhere and we were
asked to notice all that we could and even to photograph pieces we liked. I happen to 
have an affinity for train graphiti. So I've been taking pictures of train cars ever since.
But, I decided to do the side of a wall instead.

Love is everything
And I'll scream it to the hills
It is all that is!

The prompt for this piece: Ink blots!! Use ink, watered down paint or whatever you have to lay 
down color and then close your journal, open it up and see the goodness. It's always different.
Whatever  you see, go with it. 

The two sides of me
with color, hair and face, 
is still just one me.

This challenge required a mirror, a box of Crayola Crayons, and self discipline enough
 to follow rules. This challenge is a blind,contour-drawing self portrait. Get  comfortable in
front of your mirror and study your face. See it now in shapes and lines. When we were 
ready we had to draw the lines of our faces while looking at the mirror DO NOT LOOK
 AT YOUR PAPER! Let your hand move based on looking at the image of your
face in the mirror. Use your favorite colors.